Energy suppliers: how can you simplify the moving process for your customers?

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As an energy supplier, one of your most important concerns is simplifying your customer journey to optimise your customer transformation and retention rates.

In your industry, moving is a key step in this journey, to retain your customers or attract new ones.

With 6.8 million moves per year in France, each change of residence represents an opportunity for electricity and gas suppliers.

But how can you simplify the process for your customers and provide them with the best possible support during this transition?

We can offer you advice based on our experience in your sector.

Facilitating the cancellation process

The first step for a customer moving is to cancel their current contract.

Simplifying this process is one of the main challenges for suppliers, as cancellations are often perceived as complicated. Online, many recommend cancellation via registered mail.

For the consumer, this process can be tedious and often leads to wasted time. Instead of requiring a registered letter, offer the option to cancel easily through the online customer space or by phone. This quick and accessible process enhances customer satisfaction.

Offering different subscription channels

Before moving into their new home, the customer needs to choose an energy offer. To subscribe to a new contract, energy suppliers can offer several channels:

  • Online: via a simple and intuitive form.
  • By phone: for personalized support.
  • On the customer space: for a smooth and quick transition between contracts.

Each consumer can choose the method that suits them best.

To go further, also guide them on the information needed to establish the contract.

Indeed, during subscription, customers must provide their Delivery Point (PDL) for electricity or their Metering and Estimation Point (PCE) for gas.

These 14-digit numbers allow them to be located in the Enedis or GRDF network to deliver energy to the correct residence.

Explain to them that this information can be retrieved:

  • on an old invoice, from the former occupant,
  • via the owner during the entry inventory,
  • directly from the Linky meter for electricity.

If any difficulties arise, let them know that as a supplier, you can obtain this information from the exact address of the new home.

Provide Consumption Estimates

According to a study conducted by BVA for Vattenfall, 92% of French people are worried about their energy bills.

Managing consumption and the energy budget must be an integral part of your customer loyalty or acquisition strategy.

When moving, their consumption is likely to change (new heating system, size of the home, etc.).

Offer them a consumption estimation service so they can choose the contract best suited to their needs.

Offer Actual or Monthly Billing

In addition to billing estimates, the way to pay the bill can also play a role. Generally, it’s possible to leave the choice between:

  • actual billing based on their consumption,
  • or monthly billing, to spread their payments more predictably.

Simplify Payments with Direct Debit

Finally, ensure you make payments easy for your customers. In terms of energy, direct debit is a simple and effective solution for recurring payments.

Households no longer have to worry about paying their bills. Here too, it is possible to stand out from the competition.

Instead of asking consumers for a bank account number, you can invite them directly to connect their bank to their energy offer.

This is what Slimpay offers. By redirecting customers to their banking app for authentication, Slimpay reduces errors and enhances the user experience.

The result? Better conversion rates and more satisfied customers. Moreover, if a payment fails, it can be recovered via a simple link sent by SMS or email, which the customer can pay in just a few clicks through their banking app.

In Summary

To assist customers in transferring their energy contract, suppliers can:

  • Facilitate cancellations: Offer simple cancellation via the online customer space or by phone instead of requiring a registered letter to improve customer satisfaction.
  • Offer multiple subscription channels: Allow customers to subscribe to a new energy contract online, by phone, or via the customer space for a smooth transition tailored to their preferences.
  • Help find the right information: Provide clear instructions on how to retrieve PDL (electricity) or PCE (gas) numbers for a hassle-free subscription.
  • Estimate consumption: Offer a consumption estimation service to enable customers to choose the energy contract that best suits their needs and better manage their budget.
  • Simplify payments: Propose direct debit through solutions like Slimpay, which allow for secure, error-free, and easy-to-manage payments to enhance the customer experience.