The Subscription economy in continuing to make the news! According to a SlimPay/Elabe study, 85% of the Europeans hold at least one subscription. New relationship with ownership, an even better customer experience, or even importance given to the experience linked to a service… transformations related to this new way of consumption are infinite. What about you as a consumer, where do you positionate? Already on board or still to be convinced, what kind of Subscriber are you?
How many subscriptions do you have ( water, electricity, gas, taxes… excluded)?
- None
- Less than 3
- Between 3 and 5
- More than 5
Do you attach a lot of importance to ownership in general ( house, car, bike, multimedia, electronics, clothes, home appliances, and others…)?
- Enormously, owning reassures me
- Yes, owning an object allows to fully enjoy it
- It depends on the object, some holds a strong sentimental value
- None
Renting a car, furnitures, tools or other stuff, is…
- I am not interested in discovering new services
- Still new to me; never had the opportunity to try
- A good plan B
- My new way of life; renting according my needs
Listening to music on an application in streaming is…
- I don’t use any applications of this kind
- Pity, we lose emotion
- Super practical
- The possibility to access all songs of the world
The Consumption of Usage or Pay as you go is…
- An expression I do not know
- A consumption mode that does not apply to all sectors
- Useful to stem over-consumption
- The future of consumption
Are you ready to subscribe to regularly receive baby diapers, hygiene products, household products, pet food….?
- No
- This would be original but why not!
- This would be amazing to get rid of shopping these stuff in store and directly receive them at home
- I already do it
Are you ready to subscribe to receive each week a food basket with fresh goods?
- No
- This would be original but why not!
- This would be amazing to get rid of shopping these stuff in store and directly receive them at home
- I already do it
Consuming by subscription could it be a great way to better manage your budget?
- It remains to prove
- Why not but not for all spendings
- It is a good idea
- It is already how I do it
Regarding advertising offers for subscription services or consumption by usage, what would you say?
- I receive too many
- I cannot stand them anymore
- I am always eager to discover new ones
- I would like to receive more
The online Press subscription is…
- Useless, I am already subscribed to a paper version that I have been appreciated for years
- The opportunity to subscribe to my first Press subscription
- The opportunity to mix online and paper subscriptions according to the media
- I have switched all my Press subscriptions to the much more practical digital version